"Complete Rigger" Course Outline

Please note that the below outline is just a quick brief layout. There is quite a lot
more details to each subject that will be gone over in the Class Room and Hands On.
Each evening there will be home work to prepare for the following day.


1. 8:00 am we start each morning.
Hand out Booklet - Go over Drug and Alcohol policy - Class Room

Over view of Rigging for Live Events and Installations - Class Room

3. All aspects of RIGSTAR Training book
"5 aspects of Rigging" - Class Room

4. 1:00 p.m. Lunch

5. Continuation of the Overview of Rigging - Class Room

6. OSHA / ANSI regulations - Class Room

7. Crosby Rigging Video - Class Room

9. 8:00 pm end of class day


1. 8:00 am
Check in - Review of Monday / Go over today's schedule

2. Rigging Hardware - Class Room

3. 1:00 p.m.Noon LUNCH

4. Rigging Hardware - Hands On

5. Steel cable Construction: Use of Crosby Clips,
Nico Press oval Sleeves and Flemish eye splice
Manufacture two steel cable slings and a polyster round sling. - Hands On.

6. Synthetic sling construction: Different fibers, round,
flat and K-Link slings, high tech fibers & slings.
- Hands On

7. Load and Break testing slings that were made above. - Hands On.

8. 8:00 pm End of class day!!!!!!!!!


1. 8:00 am
Check in - Review of Tuesday / Go over today's schedule

2.Finishing Load and Break Testing of slings made on Tuesday - Hands On

3. Knots, Hitches and Splices - Class Room - Then Hands On.

4. 1:00 p.m. LUNCH

5. Continuation of Knots - Hands On.

6. 3:00 p.m. Electric chain Hoist: Disassemble and Reassemble - Hands On.

8:00 pm End of class day !!!


1. 8:00 am
Check in - Review of Wednesday / Go over today's schedule

2. Finshing Electric chain hoist - Hands On.

3. Hoist Control System: Disect the complete workings of a manual hoist control system - Hands On

4. 1:00 P.M. Lunch

5. Trusses: Distribution of Loads, Strength of Trusses, Inspection and Hanging of Trusses - Class Room and Hands On

6. Math for Bolts, Tension-Shear-Bending: - Class Room if we have time. As an extra subject.

7. Mechanical Advange of Block & Tackle and (Disadvantage - Speed & distance) (Block & Fall) - Class Room and Video

8:00 pm End of the class day!!!


1. 8:00 am
Check in - Review of Thursday / Go over today's schedule

2. Mechanical Advantage of Block & Tackle and (Disadvantage that is an advantage - Speed & distance) (Block & Fall) - Hands On

3. Math for bridles, Tension, Horizontal and Vertical Forces. - Class Room

4. 1:00 p.m. LUNCH

5. Theatrical counterweight rigging components in a theater - Class Room and Hands On

6, Fall Protection - Class Room along with video

7. Fall Protection and Rescue - Hands On

8. Ground Rigging Techiques - Hands On

9. Marking out points on floor / calculating bridles & tension on
cables and forces on I-Beams before hanging.
Use of distance & Plumb lasers for rigging - Hands On

10. Hanging Rigging points points from open steel structure ( I-Beams, H-Beams, Double angle iron - Hands On

11. Theatrical grid overview : Bridles on theatrical grid, Dead hangs,
Loading C-channels, side loading C-channels, use of pipe and
square tubing to hang from. Hands On Hands on portion would be conducted on Sunday for the 7 day class.


Saturday and Sunday : Is all hands on ground rigging, high rigging open steel, Theatrical Grid rigging. It gives students extensive hands on practice every minute of the day without any class room. It's all in the training center conducting real life practice sessions to perform everything you have learned throughout the week. These 2 days gives you the time you may need so it will solidify the training you have gone through Monday to Friday, so performing rigging tasks will hopefully become second nature to you. If you are signed up for the 7 day certification course, your Hands On test will be conducted on Sunday evening.

8 to 12 hours, starting at 10:00 am with a 1 hour lunch. We may also start at 8:00 a.m. depending. The class will end at no
later than 8:00 P.M. Saturday evening.

Exercises scheduled:

Open Steel Rigging:

1. Formulating a rigging plot
2. Layout and marking rigging points on the ground
3. Dead hang using Bowline, Klien tool, and Carabineer
4. 2 leg bridle
5. 3 leg bridle
6. 4 leg bridle
7. 2 leg Diagonal bridle and knowing how to prevent a diagonal bridle from sliding inwards.
8. 2 leg High, Low bridle
9. Breast bridle
10. 2 leg High Low bridle running stage right to stage left crossing over a 2 leg bridle running Up stage to Down stage.
11. 2 leg H-bridle
12. Adjusting bridle leg lengths up on the steel.
13. Dead hang on a beam sloping downwards and preventing it from sliding.

Theater Grid Rigging:

1. Dead hang around 3" C-channel with open basket hitch
2. Dead hang around 2 = 3" C-channels with open basket hitch
3. Dead hang using closed basket hitch between 2 = 3" C-channels using pipe and after using square box beam.
4. Dead hang around one 12" main C-channel at the well.
5. Dead hang around two 12" main C-channels at the well.
6. Dead hang around two 12" main C-channels at the well, using an even open split basket hitch.
7. Dead hang using 3" channel as a breast.
8. 2 leg bridle between 2 main 12" C-channels under hung from theater grid.
9. 2 leg bridle above theater grid with a stinger going down between two 3" C-channels
10. Large basket hitch around top main I-beams from stage right to stage left to position a point between two 3" C-channels.
11. Adjusting bridle leg lengths up on the theater grid to get pin point accuracy.

Break before the hands on test on Sunday evening.

SUNDAY : Hands On Test starting approximately: 9:00 p.m.

Hands on Test: The hands on test is timed to last 2 hours.

Written Test: The written portion of the test is timed to last 60 minutes per test subject and is taken online.
Your log in Name & Pass word will be emailed to you along with a link to access your online test.
You will know your results at the end of each test subject online and the results will be automatically emailed to you.

You could be allowed to take the written TEST when you get home.


Do not plan on flying out on Sunday for the 7 day course.

The course time schedule above may change based on the teacher's elaboration of a subject at the time as well as being
altered due to special needs for a student that would be more valuable to a student than other subjects on the list.

Please Note that the start times and end times may change during the course week due to prior commitments or other obligations that the instructor may have.
So if a class day ends earlier than normal then the start time the following day may start earlier or may go longer to make shure you receive all the time needed
to complete the full course training. There is always extra time allotted during the week days as well as the weekend to make up any behind time that may happen.

For more discriptive details on our rigging course subjects please do not hesitate in contact us by phone.



Please note that the end of the day time may go longer if need be each day. We will not continue with another topic until everyone in the class has a clear understanding of each topic. This is the main reason for small class sizes. We take this certification program very seriously and we want to make sure that you leave our facility with the utmost competency of rigging that you came here to attain.


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